Saturday, June 25, 2011


Umm, for some reason, I can't reply to comments..weird.. :/

New Look on LookBook. :)


Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

New Look on LookBook. :)

Love Her.



Ugh. I'm sick of people getting LookBook accounts that aren't into fashion. It's a FASHION site! Not an artsy/photography site! Yeah, it's ok to take artsy photos, but it's really about WHAT you're wearing, NOT how you edit it! If you want to display your creative editing, GET A TUMBLR! I've been holding that in for a while. I needed to explode. X(

New Look on LookBook. :)

I'll take the Red Pill..

Morpheus: "You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes..."


I'm too obsessed with being perfect. I need to stop. :/

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Look on LookBook. :)

I wanted to post a look that didn't make me look pretty, just to see the reaction. :)

Annoying Facebookers.

Ugh. There are so many people I wish I could just delete from my Facebook. But I don't want to seem rude, so I won't. I'll probably make a new one when I start college, anyway.. X) But for real..I wish I could just stop seeing all the annoying things they post!! X(

New Look on LookBook. :)

I love this jacket thing. My Grandpa was in the Airforce, and brought it back from Vietnam. :)

New Look on LookBook. :)


Very glad I set my alarm to stay up and wait for the Pottermore announcement. I'm actually really excited, and I don't want to wait until October! D: Well, I'm really not complaining. JK is awesome, and I really appreciate all she's done for us. <3

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Look on LookBook. :)

I seriously love this dress, and it was probably only, like, £16.. X)


Ok. Stalking is NOT ok. So, this has been going on for a few months, and I am 100% CREEPED OUT!! If I wasn't such a "nice" person, I would tell this person that what they do is not ok. But unfortunately, I have this issue with offending people. Ugh. It makes me want to SCREAMMMMM!!!! X(((

New Look on LookBook. :)


(Haha, I called it taken because of the movie, and since I'm wearing a beret, lol. LOVE that movie.)

Monday, June 20, 2011

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2" Trailer 2

Cannot explain in words how excited I am. <3

Be Original as best you can.

I made this while watching the movie The Red Shoes. He's talking about being original.


I've been writing thank-you cards for graduation gifts all day.. -_- Haha, I graduated a month ago.. X)

My mom's new tree.

She's redecorating her room, and I think this tree is really cool.


I really need to put some more looks on my Lookbook account.. I was doing pretty well for a while, putting a new look up almost every day, but then I stopped doing it for a few weeks, and now I hardly get any hypes. :/ Plus, I got this new camera. :)

Nesting doll measuring cups:

:) I love these.

This is stupid.

Ok, I 'm really tired of this loser guy I used to date alwaysssss showing up in my dreams! I've heard that people you think about often show up in your dreams, but I honestly never think about him! He was seriously a loser. Sometimes after you date and break up with someone, you still have feelings for them, but he was so dumb that I honestly don't! Ugh! I wish he would stay out of my dreams!!!!!! >_<

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jessie and the Toy Boys.

So, I think that Jessie of Jessie and the Toy Boys is kind of annoying. It really seems like she's trying too hard. Sorry. :/

Rye Rye - Never Will Be Mine ft. Robyn

I love Robyn. <3

New camera. :)

So, I bought a new camera today, and I'm pretty excited. My old digital camera was really good, unless you're insede, and that's why any of my LookBook pics taken inside were blurry. So I finally got tired of it, and bought a new camera. :) It's a Nikon Coolpix L102. I don't know anything about cameras, but it seems to be pretty good, lol.

Friday, June 17, 2011


So I (FINALLY!) just watched the movie Amelie--which has been on my watch list for a very long time--, and it was amazing! I reallllyyy loved it. I love foreign films. :)


This is a painting I did, inspired by Kurt Vonnegut. It's called "So It Goes'. :) Acrylic and wax on canvas.

New! :)

So..I just started this thing, so I know no one is reading this, lol, but yeah, here I go! :)